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The Nourishing Community Campaign

We believe that nutritious food is a human right, but we also acknowledge that pastured and organic foods are seen as a luxury item in our society.  We have created the Nourishing Communitiy Campaign at Ley Creek Farm to address food security in our community in the following ways:

FAMILY SPONSORSHIP.  Each winter we will match every dollar raised to sponsor families for the season.  Our goal is to provide as many components of a complete diet as we can to families in need in our community, especially families with young children and senior citizens, throughout the growing season.

FOOD DONATIONS.  Surplus from our farm stand and the farmer's market will be donated to food distribution centers in Fulton.  We also have a "Little Free Pantry" in our self-serve farm stand where folks can discretely help themselves to shelf stable pantry items, surplus items, and less perishable fresh items that can hold at room temperature.

EDUCATION.  As educators, we feel it is our duty to share our knowledge with our community and teach the skills needed to grow food successfully, eat nutritiously, and cook with seasonal ingredients.  We believe these skills should be taught from a young age, and as such we are available to both public school students and homeschooled students.  

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