Ley Creek Farm
What is a Market Share?
The CSA is the backbone of our farm, but just because the CSA structure isn’t a good fit for your family doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to commit to farm membership and all of the related benefits! A Market Share with Ley Creek Farm offers you the easiest way to shop at our family farm stand or the farmers market booth. With a Market Share you are purchasing a credit early in the year; you can simply visit our farm stand or market booth at the Fulton Farmers Market any time between May & October and choose your veggies, fruits, flowers, or other goods, and we’ll keep track of your account for you! Market Share members who deplete their credit may choose to deposit additional funds into their account.
A great choice for small families new to seasonal eating and cooking or CSA members who may want to pay up front for their purchases of bulk canning produce like pickling cukes, paste tomatoes, and apples. This market share size also makes a fantastic gift!

We recommend this market share for families who want to become members but travel often during the summer months or small families who would prefer to select their own produce. As a thank you for your commitment and support, those who choose this share size will receive a bonus of $25 to their account!

We recommend this market share for large families who would prefer to select their own produce or large families who travel often during the summer. As a thank you for your commitment and support, those who choose this share size will receive a bonus of $50 to their account!