Farmers don't typically get to travel during the summer but we enjoyed time with Chris's side of the family in the Adirondacks. The cool nights we experienced made me crave fall weather, but I don't want to rush the time away so I'm going to enjoy the remainder of August.
We had our best couple-friends in town for a quick visit today. Chris's best friend's mother works at a vineyard and brought us nine beautiful additions to the berry patch - 2 Duke blueberries, 2 aronia berries, and 5 currants. These were on our (ever-growing) list for next season so this was a delightful gift that will make a huge dent in our upstart costs in 2019.
Last night was our lowest temperature since spring - 51 degrees - and we are definitely preparing for autumn. Soon enough we will have sweet potatoes, winter squash, and sunchokes. The last wave of kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage will be going in this week as well, even though it's a tad bit later than usual. We are looking forward to enjoying these delicious, rich foods during our version of "summer vacation" (Thanksgiving through Valentine's Day) and taking advantage of the extra time to rest our bodies and plan for an even bigger and better new season.
In 2019 we will be offering a limited number of egg shares. Egg shares will run for 26 weeks from approximately mid-May to early November. Those who commit their full payment before January 1, 2019, will receive a discount. For more information on our CSA shares, head on over here.